Nothing gain is nothing lossed

so here it goes nothing,  i have to say that this is me un censored, standing up and being counted! I was watching Kevin smith last night and he did a speech about how life is basically to short how his dad was a nice bloke he wasn’t a child abuser (OK he used words that right now i dont feel able too) yet he went out of the world screaming before he died. it touched me i dont know the love of a father with out that meaning abuse of some sort. but this touched me  and i did shed a tear why because in a world so full of child abusers yes its sickening but its more common then you realize even today its still all shhed even after the reports against famous people its still taboo subject, people still suffer in silent, it was like there are fathers out there that are just that love there kids and wouldn’t harm them… you have no idea how nice it was to hear and yet how safe it made me feel.more importantly Kevin said we should take time for our art whether it is a blog or writing story’s, what every get your art out there… so here i am trying to get back what i lost, the love for writing, im not the worlds best writer and having dyslexia does limit my spelling but it doesn’t limit my head… those that are lucky enough to have read my work knowing who i am have said that it moves them, but i look at it and see it as just aim with this blog is to be able to speak freely uncensored and with out anyone controlling, but mostly to reach out the the Angels out there the ones just trying to get by.angels are survivors of abuse, i want them to know they are alone there are groups full of men and women that have been through hell and back, yet some how we come together and hold ech others hand when we feel so alone and trapped in the darkness that is post traumatic stress, for the depression the self hate. i want every single one of you to know you are beautiful and nothing you ever did warranted anything that happened to you and there was nothing you could  have dont to prevent it.but lets all come together, scream and  shout till we are heard, lets not sit in silence any more, lets tell the world of the effects that childhood abuse has on us, lets just have our say uncensored screw staying silent lets stand up and join hands and tell the scum thats what they are that we wont be silenced by there not even sure if this even makes sense but to me right now it does….i guess that’s all that matters, im reaching out to you all………

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